Sonia börjar på Studion (Mobility Space Concepts )

Jag är så peppad på att dela med mig av nyheten att från och med i höst kommer ni även hitta Sonia på Reach Your Goal studio! Jag bad Sonia presentera sig.
Hey! I’m Sonia. Born in Canada to Portuguese parents. I’m a physiotherapist, personal trainer, mobility specialist & foodie. After studying and working in the Netherlands for 5 years, I moved back to Sweden during the pandemic last year. I have a degree in Kinesiology, a degree in Physiotherapy and a masters degree in Sports Medicine. I love to help people build strong & resilient bodies so they can move & live without worrying about pain or injury. I combine all my education & experience to provide rehab & mobility training, as well as manual therapy such as massage, stretching and joint mobilization. My goal is to educate people so they can take back control of their health & body. On my spare time you can find me watching food travel shows, cooking, or often both at the same time! I love to travel and discover new cuisines & cultures, learn new languages, and meet new people. I speak English, Portuguese & Swedish. If you would like to find out more or see if we are a good fit, you can email me at with questions or we can set up a free 15 minute Zoom consultation.
All träning och coachning sker på engelska men konsultationer kan även ske på svenska. Du är välkommen att prata svenska, men för att jag ska kunna se till att du får den bästa träningen och tjänsterna kommer instruktionerna ofta vara på engelska.
Ni kan redan nu boka tid hos Sonia. Hennes schema hittar ni här.

Relaxation Massage, Deep Tissue/Sports Massage
– 30 min: 575kr
– 45 min: 675kr
– 60 min: 775kr
Helgtider (+100kr)
Meet a qualified physical therapist and mobility specialist who can effectively and safely help you with your flexibility and mobility. We always work together based on your needs and goals. The session will include myofascial stretching techniques as well as pain free mobilization techniques to improve your muscle and joint mobility.
Zoom Consultation: free
30 min: 575kr
45 min: 675kr
60 min: 775kr
Helgtider (+100kr)
Meet a qualified FRC mobility specialist and physical therapist who can effectively and safely help you with your flexibility and mobility. We always work together based on your needs and goals. The sessions are designed to improve your muscle strength and joint mobility. Zoom Consultation: free
A) 1:1 FRC mobility training, 60 minutes (inomhus)
Initial Assessment (incl. Training Plan, 60-75 min): 875kr
1:1 session: 875kr (helgtider 875kr)
5 sessions (endast befintliga kunder): 4125kr (825kr/session)
10 sessions (endast befintliga kunder): 7750 (775kr/session)
B) Group Training: StrongFlex Mobility Class (1x/week x 60 minutes, inomhus)
1x: 200kr
4x: 700kr
8x: 1400kr
HIIT CIRCUIT GROUP TRAINING (1ggr/v x 60 minutes, inom- eller utomhus)
Zoom Consultation: free
1x: 200kr
4x: 700kr
8x: 1400kr
Zoom Consultation: free
Träningsprogram: 1295kr
An individual training plan based on your goals. For those who want to train on their own but need help with setting up a training program and plan.
Köp ett individuellt träningsschema utifrån dina mål och förutsättningar. För dig som vill träna på egen hand men han hjälp med ett upplägg och en plan att följa.
Personlig träning
Meet a qualified trainer who can effectively and safely help you with fitness, strength and endurance. We always work based on your needs and goals. You choose whether the training should take place in the gym or if you would rather train outdoors.
Träffa en kvalificerad tränare som effektivt och säkert kan hjälpa dig med kondition, styrka och uthållighet. Vi jobbar alltid utifrån dina behov och målsättningar. Du väljer om träningen ska ske i träningsstudion eller om du hellre vill träna utomhus.
Zoom Consultation: free
60 min: 875kr (+100kr helgtider)
4x60min: (inom 1 månad) 3300 (825/session)
8×60 min (inom 2 månader): 6000 (750kr/session)
12x60min (inom 3 månader): 8400 (700kr/session)
….coming soon…
Meet a qualified physical therapist and mobility specialist who can effectively and safely help you deal with injuries so you can move & train pain free. I do not work with insurance so I can give you more time & better quality rehabilitation training. I do not believe physiotherapy should be 3x/week for 4-6 weeks. I believe in providing you with the tools and a plan so you can take control of your health. We will do an in-depth assessment, treatment and rehab plan. Treatment plans may include hands on manual therapy such as stretching & mobilization as well as strength & mobility exercise.
Zoom Consultation: free
A) 1:1 Rehab Coaching, 60 minutes (inomhus)
Initial Assessment (incl. Treatment + Rehab Plan, 75-90 min): 1095kr (helgtider 1195kr)
Follow up treatment 60 min (endast befintliga kunder): 775kr (helgtider 875kr)
Mobility Training Systems
Features List
– 1 month recurring
– 3 month
– Video reviews
– Free consultation (20 mins)
o answers to common questions
§ what is mobility training good for?
§ How long does it take to see results
§ How many days per week?
§ Can i combine with other training
o Online Intake Form
– Initial Assessment In person: inlcuded in 1:1 package
§ Form
· Health & Injury history
· Goals
· Joint by joint approach AROM vs PROM
· Movement/pattern specific (to needs)
· Gait
– 1:1 programming (in person only)
§ Individual programming based on
· Mobility & Strength Balance Assessments
Performance goals,
Training history,
Access to equipment,
Time availability.
§ 1 free stretch & mobilization therapy session
o 4 sessions (1 month)
o 6 sessions (6 weeks)
o 8 sessions (2 months)
o 12 sessions (3 months)
o StrongFlex Online Monthly
§ 2 new classes per month, 45-60 minutes
§ Mini body part specific classes (10-20 minutes)
§ Monthly email explaining the logic
§ Weekly comments in true coach
§ Exclusive facebook group
· PRICE: 590 sek

Jag ser så fram emot att ha Sonia på studion. Välkommen Sonia!